Friday, August 19, 2011
till the last breath of this body!!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Another Fantastic Specimen of Manglish!!
Nevertheless, last Friday I'd dropped by at the place and as usual frequented the men restroom and this particular notice (haphazardly done with an A4 paper) had been pulling my eyes for quite some time but the one I noticed earlier was on a different level and subsequently was taken out, but at this level which I've never been before fortunately, the notice was still there. I bet the photograph itself is sufficient for you all to tabulate the beautiful language and grammar and the way they describe the human waste i.e. your "SHIT"...........enjoy
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Agony and Despair!!
At the end, as we always read and encounter in a everyday life, all this issues are contributed due to the basic attitude of our people and civil/private servants with the 'tidak apa' attitude and everything 'boleh' until the karma bites them back on their butt at the end. Its not until the mishap happens to someone that we love or care, that we will even want to think about the legality and the authenticity of the whole this sense, we as parents i think has the most authority to determine and decide the place or venue to whom or which place we are sending our kids for care or study by actually ascertaining the validity of the place or the institution...there is no harm in checking out this facts since you are sending you own flesh and blood and in this case this kiddo is the only child of the couple after 8 years of marriage.....
To see the mother carrying the lifeless body of the toddler is totally unbearable especially if you yourself is a parent.....may GOD bless her soul......
Monday, May 16, 2011
Ratha Curry House, Bdr Puteri Puchong
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Pearl of the Orient!!!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Visitors, everyday to the house without fail......
hi guys...its been a while now since I've posted any news on the updates all around me due to the hectic schedule and planning a short trip up north next week for the function at my auntie's house doubled up with a short runaround within the pearl of the orient....
however, the actual reason I'm typing this post is to show to you all that I've been receiving visitors in the form of singing pigeons everyday almost 2-3 times courtesy of my youngest, Delishaa. We do not know how'd she befriended this creatures by they seems not to be perturbed vy her presence whenever they pay their visits, but the moment her elder sister Vinithaa moves into the fray they will bolt out for their lives......I've managed to snap several pics for your viewing during one of their visits last weekend which is attached on top of this post......please bear in mind that i was actually a bit worried when the pigeons started frequenting the house since they have been considered a pest and known to bring diseases but my checking with ppl who know and have experience in this matter revealed that this type of pigeon is not easily found within the normal pigeon community and moves separately hence they have a lesser chance in spreading any contagious diseases!!!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Salam sejahtera …..pagi2 ni aku dah kena sembur dengan air sampah versi mulot dari minah2 kat office aku…aku pun tak tau kenapa depa ni walaupun pompuan tapi tak tau jaga kebersihan mulot..ptuihh macam bau taik lembu kering n kekadang kalau korang nak tau bau mulot depa ni cuba method ni, tong sampah lepas buang semua kandungan dia cuba korang hidu dalam2 bau dia..hah macam tulah bau mulot depa nie…pungkok lembu pun kalah…aku pun tak tau knape sejak dari dulu lagi memang kengkawan aku mahupun orang 2 kt tempat yang aku keje ni memang aka nada kes bau mulot busok nih….sifu chris, ang kung suk, broyo, kak zaleha, lan pengkau, kamal pendek, ah the list can go on….susah sangat ke flos gigi dengan kumor pakai Listerine at least once a day…..i dunno how long can I take this torment sampai satu hari aku termuntah dalam mulot depa baru tau…………..
Saturday, April 16, 2011
myMetro | Kereta wanita hamil dipancit
Kereta wanita hamil dipancit
Oleh Raja Noraina Raja Rahim dan Mohd Haiqal Bokhari
KUALA LUMPUR: “Sudahlah saya mengandung tujuh bulan dan sakit, mereka langsung tidak berhati perut,” itu luahan Noraishah Rejab, 35, apabila tayar keretanya sengaja dipancitkan sekumpulan penjaga tempat letak kereta di Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL), di sini, sebelum ditunda ke kawasan khas, semalam.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 10 pagi itu, Noraishah yang ditemani suaminya ke HKL untuk membuat pemeriksaan dan gagal mencari tempat letak kereta.
“Saya yang tidak mampu menahan kesakitan meminta suami menghantar di hadapan pintu utama wad bersalin sebelum dia mencari tempat meletakkan kenderaan.
“Selepas berjumpa doktor, saya diarahkan memanggil suami dan akibat terdesak, suami meletakkan kenderaan secara bertindih di belakang kenderaan lain,” katanya ketika ditemui, semalam.
Bagaimanapun, suaminya tidak menarik brek tangan bagi memudahkan kenderaan yang dihalang itu keluar.
Katanya, sebaik tiba di tempat letak kereta dua jam kemudian, mereka terkejut selepas mendapati kenderaan hilang dan pengawal keselamatan memaklumkan kenderaan mereka ditunda sekumpulan lelaki yang diberi kontrak mengawasi kawasan letak kenderaan itu.
Noraishah yang mengandung anak keempat mendakwa terpaksa menahan kesakitan berjalan bersama suami lebih tiga kilometer untuk mengambil Naza Citra itu.
Menurutnya, ketika berunding dengan kumpulan lelaki terbabit, mereka dimaki-hamun sebelum dipaksa membayar RM250.
“Saya merayu mereka mengurangkan bayaran itu selepas memberi penjelasan, namun mereka menengking, malah cuba menumbuk suami saya.
“Saya dan suami pergi ke balai polis berhampiran membuat laporan. Berikutan itu, lelaki terbabit ‘melepaskan’ kereta saya, malangnya satu daripada tayar kereta saya kempis dipercayai sengaja dipancitkan akibat tidak berpuas hati,” katanya.
Sementara itu, pihak syarikat yang menguruskan tempat letak kereta di HKL iaitu Syarikat Bismark menafikan pihaknya bertindak kasar terhadap pasangan terbabit.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Being Frank : No Indians Please!!!!
Read it in whole and it will make any indians (like me) quiver, not with anger but sadness and anguish but whether people like believes it or not, that the nature of the society that perceptively looks at people like me nowadays. Please mind that i am continuously using "people like me" phrase which directly refers to indians who are heavily colored.....bluntly darker skinned (always taken for indian nationals from the southern india) i.e. someone like me. Lemme relate an incident which had happened to me about 6 years ago when i was between jobs and unreliable employment and i ended up answering a vacancy in a newspaper and subsequently sent my resume to...the gentleman who conducted the interview seems did not noticed that i am an indian (dark) hence called me for an interview and had a shock of his lifetime when he saw a man in my stature entering his office. Then the bombardment started, what is your bank balance, do u own a car, how many months were the car installment in arrears, what is your credit card balance, bla bla had boiled me to a point of which i stopped him from going further and told him to keep his job for his farking jelly bean yellow and brown skinned personnel which he might hire in future.....the discrimination still exists heavily in our society where people thinks that intelligence is determined by the colour of the skin, if you are an indian are you from the northern part coz if you are, you're much intelligent and a beautiful person than those from the filthy and dirty south!!! You all get what i mean, but mind you i am not at all intimidated by this kinda reactions and perception coz the bane of my existence is my culture and my history and not some bloody forsaken and silver spoonfed racist m#th@r farkin ass*ol%s and i submit to these facts before i react to any pokes of racism aimed at me ..........but for now, thanks brother Frankie for your findings.....!!!!
A CLASSIFIED advertisement for the rental of a high-end condominium in Kuala Lumpur appallingly asserts NO INDIANS — throwing up a regrettable case of selective bias.
It was the first time in local English media that I had come across a downright racist advertisement that steered prospective Indian tenants away.
It was not meant for Indian nationals — it applied to any Indian, including me. I may be accused of overstepping racial lines but the advertisement in a national daily by a Malaysian Chinese lady working and living in Sydney, Australia, takes Indian bashing here to new depths of shame.
The advertisement by the owner, a radiologist, for rental of her apartment suite at Bistari condominium near the PWTC and The Mall explicitly states “No Indians”, something so bold and blunt unseen in the housing ads of newspapers.
Her problem with Indians: curry! She would not have her tenant cooking up a "toxic" cloud of curry fumes that permeates the entire 1,500 sq ft suite.
I asked her property agent: “Are Indians the only ones who cook curry?” “Are Indians the only ones who enjoy curry?"
Asked if the advertisement that specified "No Indians" was prejudiced, she said it was a condition by the owner that would be in the tenancy agreement.
There is, however, no legal position on people stirring overpowering and lingering whiffs in apartments.
Real estate negotiators and lawyers tell me there is nothing in a contract that can get a tenant evicted for cooking curry. Clearly, in this case Indians are being treated less favourably than other tenants when we know housing discrimination is unlawful and unacceptable.
If you don’t want an Indian tenant, you don’t have to broadcast it to the whole world. Deal with it privately and sensibly instead of indulging in racial steering.
It’s beyond me why the newspaper published the discriminatory “No Indians” condition when it monitors ads for other reasons, such as obscenity and deceptive advertising. It cannot argue that monitoring for discriminatory messages was a burden as the practice of racial steering is provocative and bears serious social ramifications.
The right thing to do would be to pass on to regulatory authorities the details of those individuals who post discriminatory ads that excluded prospective tenants on the basis of race, gender, family status, marital status, national origin, and religion.
To evaluate owner-sentiment toward Indian tenants, a Being Frank enquiry was launched over the weekend with visits to six high-end apartment suites in various parts of Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya.
I was the prospective tenant, with "four children" and in all cases, the owners found me, meaning an Indian, a liability:
● One told the agent, who accompanied me, Indians make too much noise and create a mess. However, when I offered him RM300 extra a month for the RM2,100 apartment, he accepted.
● Another said Indians were known to be quarrelsome “so that won't work out”.
● Three of them said four kids were too many, so “No children”.
● One asked me what car I drove and wanted a letter from my company stating my position and a copy of the monthly pay slip. He obviously didn’t trust this Indian.
The owners of two other apartments I was scheduled to see told their agents not to show the units to Indians. Their contention: Indians are messy, too loud and do not give the apartment complex a good image.
I was astonished and can conclude that fair and equal access to housing is not a cornerstone of our society. Equal access to housing in Malaysia is a fundamental right and this nation should not tolerate discrimination in housing.
Few things are more fundamental to success and happiness than having a safe place to live.
The government should actively pursue these concerns with the goal of fairness and equity for all.
Admittedly, there are differences in our culture and social practices but such blatant profiling of any ethnicity is destructive to society. It’s just pure pomposity — conceit that causes human relationships to be lost, self-righteousness that causes the trust to be lost too.
There may be good reasons for excluding certain troublesome types or undesirables, but whole scale social exclusion is divisive and is the thin end of a more sinister mindset.
Let us treat this responsibility as an opportunity. A chance to take stock, to ask ourselves: how did it come to this? Is it a material, genetic or self-inflicted deficiency that has led one to ignore co-existing in harmony?
The first step to rehabilitation is to recognise you have a problem.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Lakbir Singh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A farmer named Lakbir Singh was overseeing his herd in a remote pasture in Bolehland when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of a dust cloud towards him.
The driver, a young Malay man in an Armani suit, Gucci shoes, Ray-Ban sunglasses and YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the farmer, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?"
Lakbir looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, "Sure, why not?"
The yuppie parks his car, whips out his iPad, connects it to his Cingular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.
The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany . Within mere seconds, he receives an email on his iPhone 4 that the image has been processed and the data is stored.
He then accesses a MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with email on his iPhone 4 and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints out a full-colour, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer and finally turns to the farmer and says, "You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves."
"That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves," says Lakbir.
He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on amused as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.
Then Lakbir says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?"
The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, why not?"
"You're a graduate from Oxford and a Member of Parliament for Umno," says Lakbir.
"Wow! That's correct," exclaims the yuppie with the customary Umno's Wow Factor, "But how did you guess that?"
"No guessing required," answered Lakbir. "You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, and to a question I never asked. You tried to show me how much smarter you are, and you don't know a thing about cows. This is a herd of sheep."
Now give me back my dog."
Friday, March 11, 2011
What a Billboard!!!
pagi tadik aku kluar dari rumah terus ternampak signboard kat atas nih....hahhahaha..jangan tergezut..sebenarnnya signboard ni depa pasang kat nigeria, tempat spesifiknya gua tak tau tapi cuba pikir2kan, klu2 depa pasang signboard cenggini kat msia...musti hebat punya lah!!!!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
wonders of the web!!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Pusat Bandar Puchong, a Foreigners Haven!!!
Whilst watching all these, enter the fray an Ah Beng character pasting the loans sharks stickers all over the tnb distribution box near the clinic i was waiting...this character seems to be very much engrossed in performing his professional duty without actually paying any heed to the surroundings and i was wandering this maybe due to the lack of enforcement or the duit kopi culture that is tainting the whole civil service of our country at the current moment...anyway, this is all just some rambling for you all to ponder and to make it interesting ive even attached some photographs for viewing.....
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tumbuk sambal masuk Malaysia Book of Records
Ia berlaku pada program menarik pelancong, "Pesta Angin Timur Perlis di Bendang 2011" di kawasan sawah padi di Kampung Banir Tembus dekat Kangar hari ini.
Para peserta membawa sendiri lesung batu manakala bahan-bahan untuk membuat sambal seperti belacan, gula, garam, cili, asam dan limau nipis disediakan oleh pihak urusetia.
Turut menumbuk sambal ialah Timbalan Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Joseph Salang, Ketua Pengarah Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara, Datuk Norliza Rofli, Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Md Isa Sabu dan penyanyi Jamal Abdillah.
Kesungguhan para peserta menumbuk sambal di pesta itu tidak sia-sia apabila acara itu dimasukkan ke dalam Malaysia Book of Records sebagai "kegiatan menumbuk sambal paling ramai peserta".
Pesta yang bermula semalam dan dirasmikan bersama Salang dan Md Isa hari ini dimeriahkan dengan demonstrasi membuat serunai batang padi, membuat penangin, pertandingan menggagau ikan, persembahan alu bunyi dan pameran peralatan menuai padi secara tradisional.
Salang berkata pesta tersebut merupakan program kerjasama yang pertama seumpamanya yang melibatkan Kementerian Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan serta Kementerian Pelancongan.
- Bernama
Deiii apa ini....!!! Org malaysia ni semua dah hilang idea to do achievements of other sorts last2 tumbuk sambal pun jadilah.....kamonlah brader, kalau Jamal Abdillah (org kpg aku tuh) dengan Isa Sabu (MB perlis) join tumbuk skalipun, does not make this feat as an extraordinary achievement ok...but beware Malaysians, next feat could be Peserta Paling Ramai Ikat Kain Pelikat atau Paling Ramai Berak Kat Sungai!!!!! give proper recognition to individuals who deserved it better rather than splashing precious funds on this kind of absurd feats.........
Friday, February 25, 2011
delishaa on the swing!!!
look at how she had grown up since the day i first saw her in the hospital after birth....wonders of the time and todate i saw her standing and watching tv in her distinct pretty sure the day they grew up wings and getting ready to fly away from my grasps, i might be wandering "its just like yesterday i saw her in the hospital carrier crying when i saw her for the first time"!!!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
9 rupanye!!!!
gambar2 ni hanyalah sebagai hiasan sahaja, takde kena mengena dgn yang dh idup ataupun yg dah mati so jangan memandai2 nak saman2 yek!!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
addicted out of a sudden!!
whats up today dude!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Dad's Current Gardening Escapades!!!!!
Wallah!! Pictures paint a thousand words..see for yerself..the vegetables expenses had gone down tremendously as he had been continuously producing new vegetables almost every weekend for the past 2-3 months..still to come his the pumpkins and sweet potatoes......wait of the update in this blog!!!